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A Message From Our Benefits Administrator

Our publication “Rhode Island Public Employees’ Benefits Bulletin” which each member receives quarterly, provides our Local 1033 family with a synopsis of your R.I. Public Employees’ Benefit Funds and how they are collectively designed to enhance the quality of life of every family member. Each quarter, we feature one of our Union designed Benefit Funds, the Benefits provided by that specific Fund and some best practices in utilizing your benefits. Remember, our portfolio of Union Benefit Funds provides certain of the many benefits enjoyed by your family; other benefits, like Health and Dental Care, are provided directly by your employer as a result of your Local 1033 negotiated Union Contract!

Our Benefit Office exists to support you and your family in accessing all of your benefits. We also assist your Local Union in designing benefits, auditing employer’s computations on the costs of benefits and bringing legal challenges to attempts to change our benefits.

During 2015, we have been engaged in every facet of our Benefit Funds’ mission and we have been successful. Through a thorough review of employers’ recalculation of health care insurance working rates, our Benefit Funds’ Office was successful in removing hundreds of thousands of dollars in non-verified claim costs and this action reduced out of pocket costs to our members. We were similarly successful in our legal challenge to attempts to increase retiree utilization copayments and maintaining the out of pocket costs of our Retiree optional benefits. We urge you to take charge of your Family’s Health by utilizing your Union benefits!

In Solidarity,

(waiting for electronic signature)

Don Iannazzi